Thursday, October 27, 2011

Laura's Predictions - Week 8

RelientK vs. JohnKasay#1
Eric's team has been a giant-slayer, but guess what buddy? My team ain't no giant. I'm the ultimate underdog of this league and your win streak stops here. Eli and the Giants are going to beat up on the Dolphins this week, yes I still have to deal with some bye weeks but I don't think Tebow is going to play well against the Lions and the Patriots will cool down your Steeler players.
Geez, quit hating on my team...I haven't played in 2 years, that's my excuse.

odoyle RULES vs. aaronisyourdaddy
What a nice pickup in Murray, Tim. I'm liking your team a lot - 3 Panthers, 2 Cowboys! You are lucky this week...Aaron doesn't have Aaron so your team should have no problem.

Spider Pig vs. Terrific Tortoises
David, I think this is the week for Chris Johnson to have a crazy game. Like, a 53.5 million dollar game. Plus, I don't like the Eagles and they're going to lose to Dallas. You win.

Rainbow Warriors vs. THE Pain Train
Gabs needs to lose so I hopefully won't be on the bottom anymore, sorry.

JUSTINA OWNS vs. The Debbinator
Did you really change your team name in hopes that you'll go on a 9 game winning streak? Do we even have 9 more games? Justina, I'm going with you because well, you're a girl and I have to live vicariously through your team since mine is at the bottom. You have plans for your bye week players, right?


  1. The winners were supposed to be in a pretty purple! I don't know what happened...

  2. Why are you hatin? Just trying to channel some luck my way, geez.
