Sure, the numbers may not make sense or add up, but that's probably because I'm assuming a team needs 7 wins to make playoffs. This year, I think we'll have 2, maybe 3, teams with 6 wins (or less!) make it. What I get from the chart above is that the playoff teams will likely be: Jeff, Abraham, David Lin, Duke, Luke, David Li, Justina, and Eric. David Li is largely in there because of his 5 wins (sorry, everyone - that was my bad), but due to the recent decline of his fantasy team, I wouldn't be surprised if Gabs stole his spot in the playoffs. These last 3 weeks will be revealing.
1. Seenie J (7-3) [2]

New strategy for the rest of the season - pick the defense of whoever is playing the Panthers. WHAT THE CRAP.
2. Charlotte Hornets (7-3) [1]
Rough week for Abraham's team, but it's still strong. No need to worries.
3. Unicorn Burps (7-3) [4]

He's imagining how much happier he would have been if he had kept Beast Mode instead of trading him away to me.
4. Spider Pig (6-4) [3]
Seeing Luke's team tank makes me feel a little better. But he had a bunch of players on bye, so I can't justify bumping his team down too much. Even without Palmer, Ryan should be serviceable enough to get Luke the points he needs. Or so he hopes.
5. I'm Coming Home. (7-3) [5]
I'm telling you.. Duke's ramping it up for the playoffs - all his WRs are playing better, Josh Gordon is about to come back. Dark horse.
6. DeMarco Da Murrier (4-6) [6]
Let's not overlook the fact that Justina's team still scored 104.60 points. Sure, the win is more important, but with her relatively easy remaining schedule (David Li, me, Luke), I think her playoff chances are still pretty good. But then again, these last two games were supposed to be against easy opponents, too (Aaron, Eric)...
7. #myteamSUCKS (4-6) [8]

I don't really want to talk about Eric's team. His recent (relative) hot streak gives me the Rodgers-Sanders blues.
8. The Pain Train (4-6) [11]

Gabs is rising. I definitely wish I had bid more for Martavis Bryant.
9. Terrific Tortoises (5-5) [9]
Not a quality win = no forward progress in the rankings. David can't wait until Gio returns.
10. Odoyle rules! (4-6) [7]

I'm like the Lakers and Beast Mode is my Kobe.
11. jaMAULing time (2-8) [10]

It's ok - typical new franchise season. At least he benched his bye week players.
12. Chou Chainz (3-7) [12]
He scores more points than my team without even starting 2 players. And Andy Dalton scoring -1.76 points. But the fact that he's no longer trying leaves him down here. Right???
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