Monday Lulz
- Shaun Suisham scoring 16 points more than Le'Veon Bell? Let's see... who looks like they would score more fantasy points?

Yeah, I thought so. LEGGO #OdoyleVictory!!!! #Odoyle'sRoadToThePlayoffs #PlayoffsOrBust
- At least Peyton Manning scored more points for Luke than Matt Ryan would have... by 0.34 points! #LULZ And to think how much worse Luke's team would have done without the trade. Ok, maybe only 8 points worse, but still. That's like 47 points pending his kicker's points.

- Did David Li really beat Justina by 0.30 points??? Does Justina even know this happened??? Wait, did Green Bay Defense really score 30 points for Justina??????? What is even going on.

- Eric wisely picked up a kicker for MNF before David Lin could troll. Again. It could be for the win. Or... Tennessee could conceivably not score any points. Or... even worse, only one TD, and Succop gets 1 point, and David still wins... by 0.04 points. That would be #TuesdayLulz for sure. Someone should call Eric after MNF to make sure he doesn't hurt himself if that happens.

- And it looks like Eric beat Andrew out for an MNF kicker. That, or Andrew just doesn't care anymore.

Yeah, he probably doesn't care anymore.
- I'm not sure what Gabs is hoping for this MNF. Martavis Bryant doing well requires Roethlisberger to do well. Granted, Bryant will get more points for receiving yards vs. Big Ben's passing yards, but I'm almost thinking I'd hope for Pittsburgh to implode and do terribly as a team if I were Gabs. Personally, I'm hoping Big Ben throws to everyone BUT Martavis. One less team for me to worry about. #Odoyle'sRoadToThePlayoffs #PlayoffsOrBust

- Jeff has a 12% chance of beating Abraham?? I will never get Yahoo! predictions. Ever.

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