1. The Pain Train (3-0) [1]

Gabs still shows the consistency to stay at the top. You could maybe make a case for the Unicorns as the #1 team, but I don't think the argument is strong enough yet, so I'm not going to go there.
2. Unicorn Burps (2-1) [2]

I know he's itching to get to the top. He's been getting help on all fronts, so that's been impressive. We'll see if they can keep it up. At least his team has been pretty consistent.
3. You've Changed Bro (1-2) [9]

I keep flip-flopping on Duke's team, mainly because I have no idea what to make of it. And since no other team is clearly deserving of the #3 spot in the rankings, Duke kind of makes it by default. As a whole, he's had a comparatively decent first three weeks, and we've seen he can manage a team full of injured players pretty well. It takes guts to start Bilal Powell, and even though Duke really had no choice, he still benefited from it (point-wise, not win-wise).
4. Ham'wheelin'&dealin (1-2) [4]

Our league really is a mess. Outside of Gabs and David Lin, we have very little consistency. I feel like this is the case every season, but it seems more exaggerated this season. Maybe it's because we expanded to a 12-team league. Anyways, Eric doesn't move in the rankings, even though his team didn't perform to par in Week 3. I still think he has the pieces to put together something dangerous, especially when his players start getting un-hurt.
5. Choux AKA Sweet Buns (2-1) [6]

Ok, let's be real here. Aaron's win against Luke was not that impressive. As in, if it weren't for Eric Decker, Aaron would have been in deep doo. As in, the rest of his team, outside of Jimmy Graham and Joique Bell, played poorly. But he still won. And his team still looks pretty good on paper. And no one else is making a case to be ranked higher. So I'll give it to him this week. Enjoy it while it lasts, Mr. Vader.
6. Password is Taco (2-1) [5]

All I can say is, I feel you, Justina. Chalk it up to a bad week, and we'll move on.
7. Charlotte Hornets (1-2) [12]

Not to take away from Abraham's team's performance, because even though he played my poop of a team (see explanation below), his team still put up a good performance. I'm wondering when he picked up Bernard Pierce. Nice move. I'm not sure Abraham's team can consistently put up the same numbers as he did in Week 3, but if he manages his team properly, he could surprise some of us.

Jen's team has been doing better and better each week, and I think it's time they deserve a lift in the rankings. Time will tell if this trajectory is sustainable.
9. Poopers of Peril (1-2) [3]

I was incredibly frustrated with Fantasy Football this weekend. To the point where after I saw how my players did, I didn't even read any fantasy news or update my team or even go to the league site. I didn't even care. My whole team stunk a fart bomb, and I wouldn't be unjustified to put it even further down in the rankings. However, I still think my players have what it has to redeem themselves. So I'm hoping next week will be a better one. But seriously, what an embarrassment. Note that I renamed my team Poopers of Peril for this week's rankings. I found that you can just replace a part of someone's name with "poop" and it makes for a funny exercise. C.J. Pooper. HaPoop Nicks. Daryl Poopardson. DaPoop Wilson. I hate my team right now.
10. Seenie J (2-1) [10]

Jeff's team didn't show me anything this week that would make me want to change his rank. His RBs were good as usual, and Cam had a good week. Can Cam keep it up? If so, Jeff will have more to work with.
11. Spider Pig (1-2) [7]

After an impressive Week 1, the Pig has been disappointing. So it was time to put him where he belonged. I don't think he'll stay down here for too long, but his team's past two weeks have warranted his placement here.
12. Terrific Tortoises (0-3) [8]

I don't even know what to say. His team looked so flippin' good on paper! AND I found him an awesome icon!
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