With one more week to go, each team in our league still technically has a chance of making the playoffs. While a few are in full control of their own destinies (David Li, Laura (essentially - there's little chance I'll score 70 more points than her team will if we both win)), others will have to rely on others losing (me, Jeff, Eric), or are simply relying on a lot of luck (Justina). Needless to say, it gives many of us a lot to play for this last week, when usually there are a handful of teams that would have stopped caring two weeks ago.
1. Spider Pig (9-3) [1]

Not a pretty week for Luke, but luckily for him, he's got another week to get all the suckiness out of his system before playoffs start. With some interesting production coming off of his bench (Garcon is back), he might be faced with some tough decisions on who to start in a few weeks.
2. choubacca (7-5) [4]

It seems like Aaron took his drop in the rankings personally and put up a statement win this week, not only breaking Laura's fantasy heart, but also scoring the most points for the week. It'll be interesting to see if his team can maintain its prior dominance or if it will fall back into its October-November slump.

It seems like Aaron took his drop in the rankings personally and put up a statement win this week, not only breaking Laura's fantasy heart, but also scoring the most points for the week. It'll be interesting to see if his team can maintain its prior dominance or if it will fall back into its October-November slump.
3. The Debbinator (9-3) [3]

David's going to be hurting without a reliable RB2. It looks like he might get by off of Brees's production combined with his WRs, but I'm not sure if he'll make it far with just that. Side note: he's only the 7th most prolific scorer in our league (1169.04 points for), yet he has the chance of becoming the regular season champ. I still can't figure out what kind of trickeries he's pulling.
4. MUSCLE Hamster (4-8) [2]

Ok, so I was off with predicting Eric's team winning the rest of his games. Who knew Justina's team would show up this week? However, I still think his team is better (right now) than his record might suggest. And I still wouldn't want to be the team playing his team on any given week from here on out. Unless your team is a bunch of Bush-whackers, obviously.

Ok, so I was off with predicting Eric's team winning the rest of his games. Who knew Justina's team would show up this week? However, I still think his team is better (right now) than his record might suggest. And I still wouldn't want to be the team playing his team on any given week from here on out. Unless your team is a bunch of Bush-whackers, obviously.
5. THE Pain Train (7-5) [5]
He secures a spot in the playoffs this week with a 1-point victory. While it wasn't an impressive showing, having Julio back in action will keep Gabs's team hopeful for a win or two in the playoffs. That RB2 spot looks pretty bad, though.
6. RelientK (5-7) [7]

7. Terrific Tortoises (6-6) [6]
I think that was about as good of a performance that Laura could have asked for from her team. But this week was a pretty good summary of the first half of her team's season: good performances with only losses to show for them. And her team has suffered greatly for those weeks. Next week, she'll be up against a formidable foe, and with a win, she'll most likely make it to the playoffs. I think her team has a pretty good chance of pulling off the victory, but we'll see.

8. Kardashian Esk. Bros (4-8) [9]

9. odoyle RULES (5-7) [10]

How upsetting is it to have a team that has scored the least amount of points the whole season still be in position to have a decent chance at making the playoffs? Not for me!

5-game losing streaks are rough. And I guess Aaron Rodgers wasn't worth the #1 overall pick this season after all. Don't worry Jeff, I would have done the exact same thing. But then again, I'm not too far ahead of you in the rankings, so I don't know if that should comfort you or not..