1. choubacca (5-2) [1]

Aaron clearly set his team apart this week with a dominant showing. Even with an ailing Trent Richardson, he managed to dominate the up-and-coming Tortoises. And in the weeks to come, even if Richardson has to sit, Michael Turner isn't a bad RB2 option.
2. Spider Pig (6-1) [2]

The Pig shows the first signs of his vulnerability this week. He lucked out since he was playing an odoyle SUCKS team, but it's safe to say that if his receivers (including Vernon Davis) don't show up to play, he can get in deep doodoo. Fast. I didn't bump him down, though, because he's still shown the most consistency over the course of the season compared to all the other teams. However, if he gives me another week of the same stuff, look out for a new #2 next week.
3. Rainbow Warriors (4-3) [6]

All I have to say is it looks like Aaron Rodgers is back. And the sky's the limit for Jeff if he continues to play that way.
4. The Debbinator (5-2) [4]

An impressive performance resulting in a disappointing loss. I think Brees will help David's team down the stretch this season, but he could use a little help at RB and WR. They aren't bad, but they aren't great.

5. RelientK (2-5) [5]

Not a spectacular showing, but enough to get her second win. She hasn't moved up in the rankings yet, but she's definitely on the rise.
6. THE Pain Train (4-3) [3]
Yes, a drop to 6 is pretty drastic, but I will say that the difference between #3 and #6 is incredibly tiny. I'm talking hairline-fracture tiny. Gabs's team still looks ok on paper. He has good RBs, so-so WRs, but his QBs aren't looking so hot. I would expect Gabs's team to be a little more consistent, but as of late, it has not been, and it's been hurting him.
7. Terrific Tortoises (3-4) [9]Yes, a drop to 6 is pretty drastic, but I will say that the difference between #3 and #6 is incredibly tiny. I'm talking hairline-fracture tiny. Gabs's team still looks ok on paper. He has good RBs, so-so WRs, but his QBs aren't looking so hot. I would expect Gabs's team to be a little more consistent, but as of late, it has not been, and it's been hurting him.

I can't bash on CJ2K and then not praise his breakout performance this week. It was impressive, even if it came 6 weeks too late. I know David was happy about it, but sad that it wasn't enough for the win. If CJ2K can produce consistently, then seriously watch out everyone, because David's team has something to prove. Fun note: this was the first week that David's team should have actually statistically won (he scored the 4th most points in our league this week). Congrats.
8. Green Nicks and Cam (2-5) [7]

It wasn't even all Cam's fault. I don't know what to say, really. Bad week for Justina, but 4 of the past 5 weeks have seen Justina either last or second to last in scoring for the week. So sad.
9. odoyle RULES (3-4) [8]

But the ultimate winner of sad teams is probably Eric's. I'm willing to bet that he spends as much time, if not more, on fantasy (in general, not necessarily on this team) than I do. And even if he doesn't, I make myself believe that he does in order to make myself feel a little better. Maybe he should look to non-Wolfpack QBs to lead his team.
If it makes you feel better, I still spend a considerable amount of time looking at, thinking about, and feeling sad about my fantasy team. It's just not represented in the number of moves. Still, sad.