Remember that time we did an auction draft for the second time, and still none of us knew what we were doing? Our "Uh... What is going on... I think I just peed my pants a little... hehe #lulz" face:

This was me the first 34 picks:

"What to do what to do what to do... Marshawn for $67? Too high. Eddie Lacy for $68? Too high. AP for $69? Too high. Le'Veon-out-for-2-games-cuz-of-drugz for $69? Too high. OH SNAP JORDY FOR 38??? STEAL.... wait a second.... #LULZLULZLULZZZZ"
And then Eric aka Comic Sans calls me out for my inactivity. There was a collective

"Ohhhhh snap" in the Google Hangout. And then a subsequent overpaying for Andre Johnson and Brandin Cooks on my part. You know, ego stuff.
Oh, and did I mention that time Andrew Poon "thought" he bid $2 on Jordy Nelson, when in fact he bid $38? Okokokok so I understood why Aaron bid $37 for Jordy, being on Autodraft and all. But I can almost swear that it took a good 3 or 4 seconds before Andrew bid $38, AND HE WAS IN THE ROOM. #LULZZZZTOTHEINFINITY He just might never live that down. ACLs can be partially torn, right? Like, just your minor ACL, not your major one. Right?

Oh, but this face can apply to a lot of people, let's see...
Aaron - Seattle D for $5 and Duron Carter for $4??

D.Lin - 39-year-old-Peyton Manning for $30??

Jeff - Nelson Agholor for $24?? (I'm not sure a player is considered a "sleeper" anymore if he's the WR you paid the most for in the draft. But then again, he might just end up being your best WR, considering your other WRs. Or he might just turn out to be Cordarrelle Patterson v.2.0)

Gabs - Not-a-starter-yet-Ameer Abdullah for $21??

Me - Victor Cruz for $15 and Alfred Blue for $12?? (But in my defense, I had moniez to spend. But still, the face applies.)

And in case you didn't see Aaron's scheming troll face:

The trolling ended his team up with Le'Veon Bell, DeMarco Murray, and Andrew Luck. Not too shabby, if you forget to include the part where his starting WRs are Duron Carter, Eric Decker, and Steve Smith Sr. Seriously, though, I Googled Duron Carter, and I'm still not convinced he plays in the NFL.
Finally, how we all felt afterwards:

Wake me up in two weeks when the NFL season starts.
So who drafted the best team?
In my opinion, Abraham, with Luke as a very close second. Both managed to grab quality WRs with at least one solid RB and a QB that can get the job done.
Worst team?
Aaron, hands down. If it were a league where you only had to play 1 QB and 2 RBs every week, then he'd win by a landslide. But it's not. I don't think I have to explain much more. Thanks for the $20, Aaron.
Shoutout to Justina for the best team name. It works on SO many levels. I can't even start to describe.

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