After realizing that pictures make posts so much more enjoyable, I decided to implement some of my own for this week's rankings. They have replaced the team names, so you can try and figure out who's team it is by looking at the photo. Most of these photos I got just by Googling the team name and looking for the most entertaining photo. If you read the descriptions, you should get it, so don't worry if you don't get some of them. Enjoy!
Power Rankings - Week 5
[Previous Rank in brackets]
(4-0, 512.82 pts) [1] - Yes, Jeff didn't score as many points as he normally does. But he's still undefeated and has the most overall points. Not to mention, his RBs put up lousy numbers, and yet he still managed to pull out a victory and break 100. Week 4 showed that his team is beatable, but it's still the best in the league.
(4-0, 484.78 pts) [2] - I hope the photo needs no explanation. I am so bitter right now. However, even if she lost, I wouldn't have a good reason to drop them in the rankings. Her team put up respectable points (minus the QB - still her weakest position), and it's still pretty solid. Position-by-position she still has a better team than the rest of the league. She's weakening a little at the WR position, but Calvin Johnson can literally carry any WR trio single-handedly. Pretty much unstoppable right now.
(2-2, 441.18 pts) [4] - All the Bucs needed was another sack. Or fumble recovery. Or interception. Is that really so hard to ask for? I lost, but I think it was a respectable loss - as in, I was happy with the numbers my team produced. Cam brought it like I thought he would (I like how the Panthers' defense almost forces him to put up good numbers because he's constantly catching up from behind - good for my fantasy team, not always so good for the Panthers..), my RBs are still reliable, and I just need to figure out who to put in at the WR each week - the numbers are there, but they're sometimes sitting on the bench - story of all of our fantasy lives. For this week, almost by default, my team moves up in the ranking.
(2-2, 419.62 pts) [3] - David fails to capitalize on Jeff's off week, and his team shows signs of its weaknesses. His typically solid WRs didn't put up their normal numbers, and Schaub fell way flat. I bet he wish he had Rodgers back on his team this week. Foster also rode the bench, but I don't think starting him would have changed the result of the game.
(2-2, 416.34 pts) [6] - Luke goes from one of the lowest scoring teams in Week 3 to one of the highest scoring teams in Week 4. Maybe he's trying to prove the point behind his algorithm. Either way, with a healthy Vick and a super solid WR trio, Luke's got a dangerous team. He just needs to wayyy bulk it up in the RB spot before he can really be a consistent contender.
(2-2, 438.90 pts) [7] - Baltimore defense racking up points for David. Yes, he won, but look at his opponent's score. David could have started Owen Daniels and the Baltimore Defense and benched everyone else and he still would have won. Not to take away from the 119 points his team put up, but to have a quarter of those points come from your defense is a bit shaky in terms of long-term prognosis of consistent victories for your team. In other words, I'm not convinced David's team is built for the long haul. Chris Johnson still hasn't quite proved his worth yet, his other RBs are mediocre at best, and his (healthy) WRs are also unproven.
(1-3, 383.36 pts) [5] - Wow. I don't have much to say about Gabs's team's performance. Granted, there was some bad luck involved (Andre Johnson's injury), but wow - seriously? Is his team that much worse in my mind? Um.. yes. Especially since he's got 4 TE's on his team. Why, Gabs? Why? I don't understand it, and I don't think it's going to get him places. McFadden continues to produce, and Greene is supposed to get more touches, but if Johnson floats off to injury neverland, Gabs might be racking up the L's in the near future. Even with a healthy Tony Romo. Regardless, this is inconsistency at its finest.
(2-2, 382.42 pts) [10] - The trade pays off for Aaron in a very big way. Granted, Foster tore it up this week, but it wouldn't have been enough to give Aaron the victory. I'm not going to bring his team up much more than this, simply because Aaron Rodgers won't put up those kind of numbers on any sort of consistent basis. I can accept an average of 30 points a game. I'm liking Sproles and Nicks, but I'm skeptical about the rest of the team. There are still too many holes. As for the photo - I just Google'd Aaron's team name, and this was one of the pictures that came up. His name is Aaron McCargo and he has a show on Food Network called Big Daddy's House. I guess that makes sense. There were some other weird photos of dads named Aaron holding babies. That would have been kind of creepy.
(1-3, 377.14 pts) [8] - Beanie Wells exploded and propelled Eric's numbers into a respectable range, but it still wasn't enough for the W. How strong is Eric's team? Still questionable. Rivers has been pretty disappointing, his WRs look good on paper, but still haven't been much of a threat (besides Wallace). I still think he has decent depth at the RB spot, but injuries could bite him in the butt. I find this photo amusing because you can interpret it in so many ways. One being John Kasay proclaiming that he is number one. Another could be as if John Kasay is pointing to all the teams above him and saying, "Watch out, I'm coming to get ALL OF YOU!"
(0-4, 349.78 pts) [9] - I feel so bad for Laura. Eli finally plays decently, she gets good production from Fitzgerald and Turner, but it just wasn't enough to counter the 50+ points Aaron Rodgers put up. I still think Laura's team should have won that game, but they didn't, and I have no other choice than to stick her at the bottom of the list. Sorry, Laura.
THIS IS AWESOME. At first I didn't understand why I had to be Jerome Simpson, and then I googled my team name just to see, and it was just a bunch of MySpace creepers. Nice.
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